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How To Install Wilcom 2006 In Windows 7 64 Bit

카테고리 없음

by slurwaggcrypor1976 2020. 2. 15. 21:49


So OK, there are two news, one is good, another`s bad I managed to start wilcom on windows 7 64-bit. Here`s the screenshot: It worked smoothly as long as I used it.

I made a lot of changes to my OS, downloaded different files, tried a lot of different things. I`m not PRO, I even didn`t know about usenet that`s why sometimes i didn`t know what exactly I did. Here are my steps: 1. I install the HASP driver v5.22 in HASP4driver directory due to instructions from the downloaded package. Install Wilcom ES-2006 3.

How To Install Wilcom 2006 In Windows 7 64 Bit

Install SP4 Revision 2 4. Merge 57FD245C.reg with the registry, just double click on the file and it will ask if you want to add, click yes. (due to instructions from the downloaded package) 5. Here comes Lomex and help me. I downloaded Multikeyemu-V0.18.0.3.

How To Install Wilcom 2006 In Windows 7 64 Bit

Use folder MultiKey64 from the package. Don`t install it now. Now I downloaded Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider 1.3b which allows you to install and load unsigned drivers dynamically on your Windows 7. You should start it, Enable Test Mode, then Sign a system file and insert the name and full path to your MultiKey.sys from the folder MultiKey64 (see step 5). To check if the file signed now, right click on MultiKey.sys, Properties and the second tab - there should be Digital signatures.

Now go to MultiKey64 folder and run install.cmd. That`s all folks!

What about rebooting. I rebooted my PC all day long and I cant remember which steps required rebooting. Just reboot when needed. What about one bad news. Bad news is that i was unable to complete 7 step. It said that 'driver was successfully installed' but when I went to Device manager - System Devices there was yellow exclamation mark - Windows cannot verify the digital signature (Code 52). It always happened - before Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider 1.3b and after that.

I tried to use ReadyDriverPlus (to disable driver signature enforcement) but because of my Windows 7 Loader eXtreme that was wrong step. So to disable driver signature enforcement I just press F8 and choose 'disable driver signature enforcement'.

After that yellow exclamation mark disappeared. MultiKey64 worked properly and some drivers (muitikey, alladin etc) were updated automatically from the Internet. Wilcom started and worked properly. So sorry for long story. I need it to settle my mind The only problem with Wilcom is driver signature. As far as I understand there`s no possibility to disable this 'feature'. I hoped that Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider 1.3b solve this issue but I spent a lot of time and no luck.

Can anybody help me with it? Maybe there`s multikey 64 with signed MultiKey.sys? Or maybe some other way to install multikey properly on windows 7-64?