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Cpanel Brute Force Download

카테고리 없음

by slurwaggcrypor1976 2020. 2. 25. 17:35


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I’m always suprised anything really requiring a password would allow more than a reasonable amount of login attempts.Of course, that they’d likely set up automated password resets or reminders should the account be locked out in that way, is probably just making another route open to be exploited to gain entry. Guess where else they store password files! Plus it’ll use javascript when it’s not even needed. I’ve gotten fond recently of running javascript-intensive sites through the W3C verifier when they don’t display right on my browser, then sending them e-mails saying do they know their site / page contains 700+ errors in code – that’s a real figure btw, for a site with loads of network security articles(not this site, in case anyone thinks that’s some sort of dig, it was techrepublic).

When looking at web design or any other cookie cutter programming pieces of software there will always be gaps and glitches. Computers are not perfect and never will be.For people using something like Dreamweaver or Frontpage it seems like the best thing to do if your in a hurry (or just don’t want to hand write the entire website by hand) is to use the program, distribute the code, then go back and hand correct any errors or cut down on the code so its efficient and more secure, then update the site. Although its iffy of when you should do this. It would seem to be ok for jobs that need the site fast but also want it to be safe. Ok, I have a question.

I have been looking everywhere and I cant find a bruteforce list dictionary anywhere! I found a program that will write one (kind of): but it takes feakin forever, like 3 wps!

It would take years to make a proper dict with say 16 chars, and it only writes how many chars you specify. I need one that will write all possibilities from 1 char to like 16, all possibilities based on a charset, and will write at like 100,000 a sec to make it worth the while. Does anyone know or have any idea where to get such a program? Or is there a list already created like this? I know it would have to be HUGE!


It wouldnt have to be up to 16 chars in length, I would settle for like 10. You won’t get anything worthwhile anyway from anyone that uses known words as their password. For that other thing, try writing a bash script that uses each character (for however x amount of characters the password is) in combination with all other characters; it’s just maths.

Brute Force Download Password

That part isn’t the hard bit – the hard bit is getting that to run over a remote connection, as well as actually sending each combo as a login try. You’d have to wrap them up in disguised spoofed packets, from behind a fortess connection, or you get caught and then you die. You go cracker hell!

I wouldn’t count stealing a paypal users password as worthwhile! Are you going to check first to see if they’re really rich and can afford to lose a few quid? I meant worthwhile in the sense of ‘should you do that or not’ cause bad karma is definitely NOT worthwhile.Fair enough though about going into other boxes, but it’s still about intent of why you would do that; ‘hacker’ and ‘cracker’ used to be distinct terms and hacker never meant being an online bagsnatcher.

Besides for online password cracking you would need to be capturing their login$ beforehand somehow, and that would mean listening in on paypals authentication servers in the above case. You wouldn’t just be able to keep logging in over and over again with each generated password, it’d be noticed someplace secure like paypal.Hell!

You go crackerhell! Well, let me get down to the reason I would like such a file. I am currently looking at WPA wireless hacking, and the only thing I need is a 4-way handshake, and I can work on cracking my way in offline. I have the handshake (very easy to attain), but I think that a much more permenant solution to trying random words would be to use EVERY combination. And I already have a method that will try up to 200,000 possibilties a second. So once your in the network, you can just sit back and watch traffic go by and get all that juicy info you want. But thats not what I want, i’m not that evil.

And also, about making a bash script, I dont know the first thing about making one but if you would like to throw one out there that would get the job done that would be awesome.;)And oh yeah, I need the possibilities of 6 chars. And up, because WPA passkeys have to be a minimum of 6 chars. I dont even know how many possibilites that is, say for all lower case, uppercase, and 0-9. I used to know the formula to figure that out but its been a long time and I have forgotten. It might not even be a feasible option after getting so far up in character length, like 10 characters, I dont know.

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I too forgot how to calculate that, and if I remember correctly from the info I then got – add up all the characters in use, and multiply that number by itself (for a 2-character key; for a third character you use each of the previously generated combos alongside each character again, and so on). But I’m not confident that is correct (that the rule is to merely multiply it – it looks more like you do that first then for each additional character you add on the amount of characters in use), and being maths it’s impossible to look it up unless you’ve studied a lot of maths and know what the terms are for the operations and functions you want to do.(exactly like network security and computers in general then – you know what you want to look for, but what have they named it?)Anyways.isn’t there a WPA cracker built in to one of the well-known wireless apps? I thought aircrack or wireshark did that; maybe not then.

Aircrack is exactly what I am using, but it requires you to provide your own dictionary in a.txt or.pwl, thats why I am going this route. I think that the formula has to do with the factoral if I remember correctly, as how combinations of 6 charaters are there would be 6! (6 factoral) or 6x5x4x3x2x1.

But that is if each columb has only one chacter. Ie how many combinations of 123456 are there like 234516 and so on. Now how to incorporate that where each place has multiple possibilites, that is the formula I forgot. I think I have some old algebra 2 books around somewhere, I will just have to dig them up and figure all this out so I know if I’m waisting my time or not. Right sure – there’s no soul audit after you die.

You keep banking on that one since you know all about why this reality even exists. Maybe if we crack your hdd encryption it’ll have the Unified Field Theory: Proof on it in its final form. Cause every human culture on the planet, except for one that began very recently, are all wrong about what existence actually is, and it’s your proofless model that sometimes claims to be ‘rationalist’ that is correct, because as we all know so many people have returned from the dead to explain that there’s no need at all to behave properly or to be in any way responsible.Besides you probably are in hell anyway and you haven’t noticed that yet.

You are aware of the kind of timescales and factors you are using there to arrive at the conclusion that there’s no such thing as cause-and-effect in the physical reality of thoughts, emotions, and actions?What do you think you can do to avoid cause-and-effect: build a time-machine and keep skipping about in time to try to avoid the ripples in this finite pond from converging upon you? Forever?You’re the one that clearly hasn’t got a clue what you’re gibbering on about, if you think you can keep on logging in to a place like paypal in realtime, over and over again trying different passwords until you get the right one.

Do you realise how many back-and-forths they do per each submitted password? And how obvious it is in terms of timings if you are submitting many logins in an automated way?How exactly do you intend to get the password a user types in unless you are capturing the data they are sending to be logged in as? Double encryption then?

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It sounds like.O.T.:I know a lot of encryption systems say they are irreversible, I’m not so sure that’s true (ie: actually possible, although they are ‘practically’ irreversible). Ok, time to update my earlier postings regarding finding or creating a brute force word list, and let you all know what I figured out on the subject.So it turns out that I came across my answer while studying to take CompTIA’s security plus exam.


According to the security + book, the answer is based on exponential factors. I will quote the passage:“Passwords should be as long and as complicated as possible. Most security experts believe a password of 10 characters is the minimum that should be used if security is a real concern. If you use only the lower case letters of the alphabet, you have 26 characters with which to work. If you add the numeric values 0 through 9, you’ll get another 10 characters.

If you go one step further and add the uppercase letters, you’ll then have an additional 26 characters, giving you a total of 62 characters with which to construct a password.If you use a four-character password, this would be 62x62x62x62, or approximately 14 million password possibilities. If you use five characters in your password, this would give you 62 to the fifth power, or approximately 92 million password possibilities. If you used a 10-character password, this would give you 64 to the tenth power, or 8.3 x 10^6 (a very big number) possibilities. As you can see, these numbers increase exponentially with each position added to the password. The four-digit password could probably be broken in a day, while the 10-digit password would take a millennium to break given current processing power.If your password used only the 26 lowercase letters from the alphabet, the four-digit password would have 26 the the fourth powe, or 456,000 password combinations.

A five-character password would have 26 to the fifth power, or 11 million, and a 10-character password would have 26 to the tenth power, or 1.4 x 10^15. This is still a big number, but it would take only half a millennium to break it.”So in my situation if i were to create a brute force word list that only covered the MINIMUM number of characters required in a WPA key, the possiblities would be 62^6, or 56,800,235,584 words in my word list. And that does not included nonalpabetic characters such as #,$, and%.Oh well, i guess i will just stick with really large random password lists. D’you mean that because the encryption method is known, and the character set in use is known, that the password hashes having been aquired (because where those are stored – is also known) coupled with some background info on who the passwords belong to (eg – their username), makes it easier to ‘guess’ a range of potentials?That sounds like a lot of on-site recce though. Either that or you’d have to have gotten into the system anyway, to be able to get the password hashes!

Re: the first paragraph I wrote just there – fair enough, maybe some people want a password for an account so they can use that account as un-noticed as possible, and they wouldn’t want to make an admin or root account to do things with. But I still don’t see how that process would be any less noticable than an extra account – unless they aren’t going to do anything using the cracked account. Cause as soon as they do anything shady – it’s likely to show up, then they are locked out again anyway when the admins realise someone’s legit account is compromised.Anything stealthy where you wouldn’t want what you’re doing to show up, hence the preference to have access to existing accounts; again – you don’t need to go to all that bother to install a rootkit or similar (the bother of having to get the hashes to begin with, etc, which means that you must have been in the system already).